Welcome To Website In Week

Congrats, you have decided to finally design your own web presence! But if it wasn’t for all the β€œhow-to” and β€œwhat not to” when searching for help on Google. Well, no need to look further, you have found the one and only place that will help you to get your new website off the ground with WordPress in less than a week with step-by-step instructions & easy to follow tutorials (but only if you do your part!).

So, are you ready?

Here is what it will take for us to get your website up in no time:

πŸ“† DAY 1: We’ll do all the prep work to rock the web

πŸ“† DAY 2: We’ll create a plan of action for success

πŸ“† DAY 3-5: We’ll design your website like the pros

πŸ“† DAY 6: We’ll tweak & test before the launch party

πŸ“† DAY 7: We'll set your website to grow on autopilot

But before we get started …

Fact is, there are many paid, and even free WordPress courses out there. So WHY would I be so keen to create Website in Week you may wonder. It’s very simple, because I often see other creative solopreneurs like yourself struggle to decide which web platform is right for them, and often are too afraid to give WordPress a try as it sounds too complicated.

It’s hard to believe, but 10+ years ago I was in your shoes trying to get my hands on all the HTML & CSS goodies out there (YES, this was way before the online courses), to design & host my own website on various platforms. It’s pretty much safe to say I know what I am talking about since I've walked the walk and now can talk/write all about it!

And just to make clear, this course is perfect for you if:

πŸ‘ You need a website for your brand & want to give β€œdo-it-yourself” a try

πŸ‘ You don't have the budget (yet!) to hire a web designer/developer

πŸ‘ You're interested in learning WordPress, but have no idea where to start

πŸ‘ You have tired to use WordPress before but it just didn't work out

Let's get started!

Get your paper, pencil & mouse ready because we're about to get started with all the fun.

But before we move on, why don't you share with me ...

What is the biggest struggle you are currently facing when it comes to designing your website with WordPress?

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